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From the ancient Sanskrit language comes the word NIRALA , it translate to Unique, Distinct, Extraordinary & Unusual.

This essential oil collection embodies the mystical element that unites the ambient and sensual experience you become immersed in by anointment of these plant only extracts.

Transporting and enabling you to abide in a naturally blessed and healthy way.

Let your instincts guide you into the realm of

Nirala Mystica


Awareness of Remedial Plants

usage is a result of centuries of investigation and refinement, through which humans have learned to use barks, seeds, fruit bodies, and other parts of the plants.

The connection between humans and aromatic oils through the journey of search and discovery for well-being has always been deeply instinctual.

Nirala Mystica Oils are a pure expression of this journey, offering support and nourishment to the Body Mind and Heart, bringing divine scents for us all to live a more fulfilling life.


The following are 16 Pure Essential Oil Extracts

1 - Sacred Lotus

SCENT: Sweet | Floral | Spicy

Uses & Benefits: Aids stomach and skin rejuvenation

. Enhances kindness in oneself and in relationships.


2 - Black Musk

SCENT: Woody | Earthy | Slight Floral | Slight Citrus

Uses & Benefits: Aphrodisiac, Tantra practices, uplifting and relaxing.


3 - Rosewood

SCENT: Floral | Woody

Uses & Benefits: Perfumery uses. Enhances spiritual practices, aids colds & headaches, relaxing. Hair and skin health.


4 -Himalayan Cedarwood

SCENT: Woody | Slight Floral | Spicy

Uses & Benefits: Anti-bacterial, aids circulation and achy joints, enhances meditation.


5 - Neroli

SCENT: Citrus I fruit | Slight Floral 

Uses & Benefits: Skin care, eases anxiety and frigidity, promotes well being.


6 - Kerala Flower

SCENT:  Floral | Citrus | Slight earthy | Fresh

Uses & Benefits: Helps with insomnia, balances hormones, uplifts libido and well being.


7 - Rose

SCENT: Floral | Sweet

Uses & Benefits: Spiritual awareness, mood uplifting, good for complexion. Opens and relaxes the heart.


8 - Pomegranate

SCENT:  Fruity | Woody | Fresh | Slight Floral | Youthful

Uses & Benefits: Promotes fertility, abundance, connection with divine power and anti-aging 


9 - White Musk

SCENT: Floral | Citrus | Unique

Uses & Benefits: Restores strength, removes angst and worries, awakes sensuality.


10 - Green Orchid

SCENT: Fresh | Light | Citrus | Unisex

Uses & Benefits: Helps with eczema, anti-bacterial, relaxation practices and good fortune. 


11 - Arabian Jasmine

SCENT: Floral | Musky | Spicy

Uses & Benefits: Aphrodisiac, mood uplifting, rejuvenates the skin.


12 - Frankincense

SCENT: Earthy | Pungent | Sweet under tones

Uses & Benefits: Refreshing, relaxing, contemplation practices, anti-septic.

13 - Sandalwood

SCENT:  Earthy | Woody | Slight Floral & Citrus

Uses & Benefits: Aphrodisiac, encourages mental clarity, anti-viral.


14 - Myrrh

SCENT: Woody | Spicy | Fresh | Slightly Sweet & Balsamic.

Uses & Benefits: Grounding, skin health, aids with emotional healing

 and meditation.


15 - Cananga Not available ATM

SCENT: Slight Floral/Fruity/Balsamic/ leather/Fresh/Unisex

Uses & Benefits:  Could help to lower High Blood Pressure, renown for Skin Care, relieves stress symptoms, reinforces the Heart Chakra.

16 - Blue Lotus

SCENTSpicy/Floral/Fruity/Greenish hint/Intoxicating.

Uses & Benefits: Soothing yet Euphoric/Enhances Libido/Aids muscle pain/Rejuvenates skin.

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The uses for Nirala Mystica essential oils are as vast as your imagination, from Skincare to Aromatherapeutic applications, whether you are making your own wellness oil blends, for yogic practices or making soaps, deodorants or massage oils.


The general advice for the use of any essential oil is, if applying on the skin then dilute with a good carrier oil like Jojoba, Apricot Kernel, Sesame oils and then test by the wrist area.

These are volatile yet powerful concentrated oils, for this reason handle them with love.

The recommendation for handling Black Musk oil and Myrrh oil during cooler times, is to partially submerge the bottle in warm water (Bain Marie) so that the extract becomes more fluid and easy to use.


For your spiritual practices, always dedicate a special place for the oils together with other inspirational objects.

Keep them away from direct sunlight and from children and preferably avoid during pregnancy.


These oils are to be used only externally or diffused.

May the Nirala Mystica Oils bring you Peace of Mind Fullness in the Heart and a Healthy Body

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